Basic Information on

A Two Day #MI_PBL Facilitators’ Training 2024


In a typical teaching-learning setup, when asked “Why are you doing these activities or assignments?”, if your students answer:

“Because the teacher told us to.”

“Because we’re doing a project about ______ (neighborhoods; the American Revolution; patterns; seasons; whatever).”

“If we don’t do it, our teacher will punish us.”

“I don’t know.”

Then, there is a serious problem in the way, you lead the learning of students.


SOLUTION: Multiple Intelligences Based Project Based Learning #MI_PBL with a Driving Question that clearly states the purpose of the project, gives a focus to all the tasks students do, leads students to an inquiry process, and the answer is at the heart of the project’s culminating products and performances.

WHY: Because, almost all the programs, training, projects, methodologies, technologies, etc. which claim to reform education are of cosmetic nature – they just serve some touch-ups!!! The major issue of teaching-learning has remained unchanged – teacher-centered, lecture-based and monotonous.

BECAUSE: All the efforts, whether by government, consulting firms, NGOs/INGOs, educational institutions and individuals, are mainly aimed at the Reformation of Education but our education seriously needs Urgent Transformation. Through #MI_PBL, we can literally Transform the way to educate our young generation – totally flipped and upside down – experiential, progressive, engaged and deep learning of each unit/lesson within the national curricular design and beyond.

The #MI_PBL Facilitators’ Training Outline:

DAY 1:

  • Session 1: Need for Real Education

–      Motivation and Light Up

–      Knowing Self and Unfolding Student Potentials

(Preparation to be a Yojakastatra (योजकस्तत्र), someone who knows the potential values of students)

  • Session 2: Multiple Intelligences

–      Background of Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI)

–      Understanding MI with Self-Awareness

–      Administering general observation based MI Profiling

–      Acquaintances on Paper-Pencil and Digital MI Test (online and app-based) alternative for profiling

–      Claims and Educational Implication of MI in Teaching-Learning

  • Session 3: Study of Spotlight Projects from Global Classes
  • Session 4: Theoretical Understanding of PBL with MI Foundation

–      Introduction to PBL

–      Seven Essential Elements of PBL

–      Seven Essential Elements of Gold Standard PBL

–      Levels of MI PBL Integration

–      Need for MI PBL

–      PBL and transformation of life (Real-life and time-tested anecdontes)

DAY 2:

  • Session 5: MI PBL Workshop in Process (Practical Simulation)
  • Session 6: Simulated Project Preparations, Presentations, Feedback and Redirection

(Certification: Optional)

KNOW THE SOURCE: The #MI_PBL, a Synergistic Amalgamation of Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Constructivism, Progressive Education and Project-Based Learning, developed by Mr. Singa Lama in Nepal, largely follows Dr. Howard Gardner‘s Harvard University Project Zero – Project Spectrum Modality of Multiple Intelligences, mingled with John Dewey’s Progressive Education, Jean Piaget’s Constructivism and standardized PBL System developed by Buck Institute for Education (BIE), USA.

Levels of #MI_PBL Training:

      • Level 1: #MI_PBL Facilitators’ Training
      • Level 2: #MI_PBL Mentors’ Training
      • Level 3: #MI_PBL Master Mentors’ Training

For Booking:

Call: 9841299271 (24 Hour Hotline)
