It was a major unprepared shock for me when I was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at the very advent of my forties. The onset was just devastating: 

My journey in a snapshot:

🚫 Diagnosed: Aug 16, 2016:
⛔ HbA1C: 11.6%
❌ FBS: 214
❌ PP: 305

After consulting one of the most popular Endocrinologists in the nation, stubbornly, I chose to make every possible effort to manage it without medication but in about 3 months, the results were just more and more frustrating. Fortunately, my luck had some better plans for me and I came to know about American #Glucosezone Exercise methodologies. I combined the Science with my Traditional Buddhist Meditation Techniques, particularly Vipassana in motion, and achieved the miraculous results of getting my blood sugar normal in just 3 days that has remained completely normal thereafter. 

↪️ Treatment: American #Glucosezone Exercise in combination with Buddhist Meditation (Dynamic Vipassana)

The success I: Jan. 9, 2017: 

✔ HBA1C: 5.6%
✔ FBS & PP: Completely normal over 4 months

Success II: Sep. 15, 2017: 

✔ HBA1C: 5.3%
✔ FBS & PP: Completely normal thereafter!

As an educator, I believe in replicating positivity in society. So, I purposefully made a special training package to help people with Diabetes reverse their disease. While executing the program in different places of the country, I got very surprising results of Diabetes Reversal – almost all the people could win their diseases. There have been some 30 or more people so far achieving the good fortune. Anyone in such trouble seeking help can reach me:

Mobile: +9779841299271
Facebook: @singa.lama
Twitter: @singalama


I am studying more on this, attending several international training programs and writing a book to share my experiences that can be an inspiration and hope for people living in frustration due to the disease, especially Type 2 Diabetes.

The fight continues. I know I can never thank enough Mr. Charles O’Connell for the innovation in exercise through GlucoseZone. Thank you so very much, sir!

Thanks, everyone for all the support as well!!!

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